
We are pleased to announce that our Company received a subsidy for the implementation of the project entitled:
“Working capital subsidy”
The project is implemented under the Working capital grant, measure 3.4. Intelligent Development Operational Program.
Objective: co-financing the company’s current operations aimed at reducing the negative effects of the decline in sales due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
Planned results: Co-financing of the company’s current activity.
Project value: PLN 335,513.28
European Funds contribution: PLN 335,513.28



We are pleased to announce that our Company received a subsidy for the implementation of the project entitled:

“Development of a new generation of a circular saw”

The project is implemented under Sub-measure 2.3.2 of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative product – in the form of a new generation of circular saw, which will primarily be distinguished by an innovative non-contact disk position measurement system.

Planned effects: Thanks to the implementation of the investment – the development of a new generation of the product as part of the external service, our company intends to implement for production and launch a new product – a circular saw, which will stand out primarily by the innovative measurement of the saw blade position.

Project value: 154 857.00 PLN

European Funds contribution: 107 015.00 PLN



We are pleased to announce that our Company received a subsidy for the implementation of the project entitled:

“New generation of SBG machines”

The aim of the project is to implement new and unique technological solutions for machines for cutting (Cutting Machine) and plastic treatment of metal profiles (Tube-End Forming Machine), as a new method of their automated production.

The planned effects include, first of all, the implementation of the most modern and advanced technologies of spatial removal processing carried out in a fully automatic mode with CNC control and the expansion of the company’s product offer. Moreover, as a result of the investment implementation, employment in the company will increase.

Project value: PLN 3,769,027.50
European Funds contribution: PLN 919,275.00